US 'deeply respects' Africa - Trump - GIST ALOUD

News | Entertainment | Lifestyle

Monday 29 January 2018

US 'deeply respects' Africa - Trump

US President Donald Trump has told African leaders meeting in Addis Ababa that the US "profoundly respects" its partnership with the continent. Trump also plans to send his top diplomat Rex Tillerson to Africa in March.

In a letter addressed to the African Union, Trump expressed his "deepest compliments" to all the leaders gathered for 55th AU summit in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa.

Trump's letter, which has not been made public, was confirmed by two US officials, including Chris Meade, top US diplomat to the AU delegation. In the letter, Trump acknowledged that US troops are fighting terrorism "side by side" with their African counterparts. He also said the US is seeking to increase "free, fair and reciprocal trade" with Africa.


The US State Department has sought to calm the fury of African leaders after Trump infamously compared African countries to a s***hole during a bipartisan congressional meeting on US immigration reforms.

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